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781-429-7700 (P)
781-429-7701 (F)
Arthroscopic Knee Debridement Rehab Protocol
Keys to a Successful Outcome
Use ice liberally for the first few days following surgery.
Weight bearing is allowed and encouraged as early as it is comfortable
When resting, the foot should be placed on a chair or ottoman so that the knee is straight. Keeping it in a bent position when in a seated position will result in a flexion contracture.
Phase | Brace | ROM | WB | Exercises |
Weeks 0-2 | During WB activities only | AAROM. ROM goals: 0-90° | WBAT | AAROM stretching of lower limbs; straight-leg raise, quad/multi-planar hip strengthening, stationary bike w/out resistance. |
Weeks 2-8 | None | FAROM | WBAT | Gait training; balance/propioception exs; begin closed-chain lower limb exs; cardio machines (no running)* |
Weeks 8+ | None | FAROM. ROM goals: 0-145° | WBAT | Progress resistance training exs; begin plyometric/jumping exs; sport-specific RTP protocol. |
*Running in pool or an Anti-Gravity treadmill is acceptable
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