781-429-7700 (P)
781-429-7701 (F)
Emsculpt is the only FDA-Approved electromagnetic therapy device used to build muscle and burn fat at the same time.
Ortho.Boston + Emsculpt
Ortho.Boston is proud to be the only Orthopedic Surgery practice in Massachusetts offering Emsculpt as an adjunct to injury prevention and rehabilitation. Utilized by many professional athletes and teams, this technology is generally not easily accessible to others...until now.
EmSculpt® is the first and only FDA-approved technology that both increases the size and strength of muscle strength as well as "burning" the fat in the subcutaneous layer. This revolutionary technology means no downtime or scars to worry about. Due to the way it works, the results are also long-lasting as you're triggering the body's natural fat loss mechanism and muscle-toning processes.