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781-429-7700 (P)
781-429-7701 (F)

Distal Radius Fracture Rehab Protocol
Keys to a Successful Outcome
Brace should be worn at all times to allow the surgical elbow to heal accordingly.
No lifting with the surgical arm is allowed for at least six weeks post-op.
Avoid any excessive motions with the elbow for at least 12 weeks post-op. Cautiously begin ROM exercises at 3 weeks under the supervision of a physical therapist.
Phase | Brace | ROM | WB | Exercises |
Weeks 0-2 | Post-op dressing intact | None | NWB | Begin finger ROM and forearm rotation |
Weeks 2-4 | Wear at all times | None | NWB | Continue finger ROM, forearm rotation; begin elbow & shoulder ROM; initiate thumb IP blocking exercises. |
Weeks 4-6 | Wear at all times | Gentle AROM | NWB | Begin gentle wrist AROM; Continue previous ROM exercises. |
Weeks 6+ | Wean from brace | PROM>>AROM | PWB | Begin wrist PROM progress to AROM; Begin gentle strengthening exercises |
Weeks 12+ | None | FAROM | FWB | Continue working on strength, as needed. |
*May remove for hygiene and exercises
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