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781-429-7700 (P)
781-429-7701 (F)
Clavicle ORIF Rehab Protocol
Keys to a Successful Outcome
Brace should be worn for the first 3 weeks at all times.
No weight-bearing or shoulder ROM exercises should be done during the first 3 weeks.
Progressively begin to increase weight-bearing at 6 weeks, but remember to avoid any excessive loading.
Phase | Brace | ROM | WB | Exercises |
Weeks 0-6* | Weeks 0-3: Worn at all times; Weeks 3-6: Discontinue use | Immediate PROM in supine position; AROM started @ 2 wks; No flexion above 90° until 4 wks | NWB | ROM exercises initially; Light resistance exercises can start around 4-6 wks |
Weeks 6-12 | None | FAROM | PWB | Full activities allowed once clinically and radiographically stable |
Months 3-6 | None | FAROM | WBAT | Full activities without restrictions |
Months 6-9 | None | FAROM | WBAT | Full activities without restrictions |
*For Weeks 0-3: you may take off the brace for hygiene
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