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781-429-7700 (P)
781-429-7701 (F)
(OATS)/Cartilage Transplantation Rehab Protocol
Keys to a Successful Outcome
Range of motion exercises should be carried out frequently throughout the day to help remodel and contour healing cartilage.
Avoid any heavy weight lifting or excessive weight bearing for the first six weeks.
Wean from crutches at own pace. You do not need to rush the transition and should work on gaining confidence before walking without any assistive device.
Phase | Brace | ROM | WB | Exercises |
Weeks 0-6 | Post-op brace for patellar/trochlear lesions when ambulating locked 0-30°; brace not needed for femoral lesions | Immediate ROM | Toe-Touch WB crutches for femoral lesions; patellofemoral lesions WBAT | Stationary bike w/ no resistance starting at 3 weeks; isometric quad and knee ext, Active and AA knee flexion, SAQ, SLR |
Weeks 6-12 | None | FAROM | WBAT; wean from crutches | Progressive ankle weight resistance, partial squats and wall slides 0-30° for patellar/trochlear lesions |
Months 3-6 | None | FAROM | WBAT | Continue closed-chain strengthening; step up-down progression; strength machines; no knee extension |
Months 6-9 | None | FAROM | WBAT | Progress with full activities without restrictions |
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