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781-429-7700 (P)
781-429-7701 (F)
Biceps Tenodesis Rehab Protocol
Keys to a Successful Outcome
Full shoulder active range of motion can begin as early as deemed appropriate by the therapist and should be included in the general therapy program.
Most failures occur from excessive load placed on the tenodesis repair site. Do not lift too much, too early
The repair site is relatively superficial in the front of the shoulder, and ice is quite effective at decreasing pain and swelling after surgery and activity.
Phase | Brace | Elbow ROM | WB | Exercises |
Weeks 0-3 | Worn for the first week only*; can be worn for comfort after that | PROM/AAROM | NWB | PROM of elbow flex and sup, pro; AAROM for elbow ext |
Weeks 3-6 | Worn for comfort only | AROM as tolerated without pain | NWB | Begin sub-maximal shoulder isometrics for IR/ER/Abd/Add; Gentle, full AAROM in FF/Ext/Sup/Pro |
Weeks 6-8 | None | Full AROM | NWB | AAROM>>AROM for Sh Abd/Ext/ER; IR/ER with Theraband; ball squeeze, avoid long-lever FF |
Weeks 8-12 | None | Full AROM | Gentle progressive WBAT | FF/Hor Abd in prone; Ext, D1/D2 diagonals in standing; low wt/high vol ex in IR/ER @ 90°Abd; NO swimming, throwing or sports.** |
Weeks 12-16 | None | Full AROM | WBAT | RTC ex @ 90° of Abd; begin more functional activities; can begin inertial, plyometrics, and rapid Theraband drills*** |
Weeks 16+ | None | Full AROM | WBAT | Progress to higher velocity movements and COD movements that replicate sport-specific patterns; Initiate overhead sports RTP program. |
* to be worn day and night
** All exercises and activities to remain non-provocative and low to medium velocity
*** Progress gradually into provocative exercises by beginning with low velocity, known movement patterns
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